Our RAL home
2015 photographs

May 2015
The sunny north of the house showing the deck and, below, the utility areas for water tanks etc.. We've made a number of changes since 2007 including removing a number of trees and expanding the lawn area (okay, a storm removed a number of trees, see the What we learnt page). We've also changed some of the posts on the deck to make it easier to put up shade sails for the summer months.

May 2015
The front of the house showing how the ferns are thriving. The low wooden fence around the ferns and other plants is necessary to stop our sheep, Boris, from destroying the garden rather than mowing the lawn.
The photo also shows that we've removed a large tree from the front lawn since construction (it was too close to the house) and replaced it with a small flowering gum.

May 2015
Photos taken from a similar position are also shown in the construction sequence slide show. This photo is useful because it shows how we've managed to hang pictures from walls that aren't vertical. Once we'd develop a method the job was straightforward, albeit a little time-consuming.

May 2015
This photo shows the music / sewing room / spare bedroom. The gap on top of the internal (vertical) wall allows light into the central study area. The RAL Homes display homes with this feature had glass on top of the internal wall. We originally intended to install glass but decided not to because the open space allows for better ventilation - useful when cooling the house down after one of South Gipplands rare 40oC days. The colour spots on the wall are reflections from 'crystals' sewn onto an Irish dancing dress that was hanging up on the other side of the room.