Our RAL home
Some notable features

Power Supply
We've got a grid connect solar power system (we have mains electricity with supplementary solar power). The system has 27 panels and is rated to about 1.6 kW. The system was designed and installed by The Solar Shop from South Australia. In 2006 we were early adopters of solar power and, although there was a large federal government rebate, the system was expensive. Today we could have bought a more compact system with the same output for a fraction of the cost (or bought a much greater capacity system).

Energy saving
Included in the design were:
Lots of insulation, including the two layers of underfloor insulation shown in this photo.
Double glazing throughout (essential with so many large windows).
Full height double hung windows that allow good ventilation after hot days.
Lots of north facing windows for passive heating.
Ceiling fans for hot summer nights.
Heating from a wood burning stove - we grow our own fuel.
No air conditioning although this would be very easy to install.
Water heating from a heat pump
Water Supply
We installed eight water tanks to capture rainwater. These were selected to fit under the house. There are two 10,000 L tanks for firewater which overflow into six 4,500 L tanks. We use the smaller tanks to supply water to the house via a small pump. We also have town water that supplies one of the garden hoses and can be used as a back-up supply to the house. We always collect more rainwater than we can use.

Fire Sprinklers
Our block is in rural Victoris and is surrounded by fields, large semi-rural residential blocks and some remnant and re-growth bush. Bush fire preparedness is important, hence the fire water supply. We fitted a sprinker system to the house that includes two fire pumps (one as a back-up), large butterfly sprinkers over each large window and six impact sprinkers on the roof. It is very effective and covers the house and all the decks in water in less than a minute.