Our RAL home
Construction Sequence
The following photographs show the construction sequence from site preparation in April 2006 onward. Construction started in October 2006 and was largely complete in four months. Between January and July 2007 we worked on the completion jobs inside and out. We moved into the house in July 2007 but work wasn't complete then and we continued to work on gardening and the final decorative touches for a long time afterward.

Preparing the site - 1st April 2006
Our 4 acre block was cleared at some stage and is covered by re-growth. The trees are mainly Messmate with some Silvertop and Peppermint gums all between 10 and 25m tall. We have a few old growth Messmates too. To create space for the house meant clearing about 30 of the younger trees.
Looking down the drive way to the pile of waste wood after clearing trees for the house
Stacking firewood 1st May 2006
Clearing some of the trees to create space for the house provided us with several years worth of firewood.

Building underway - 4th October 2006
Between April and October we were arranging and signing contracts with the various parties involved. This photo shows some of the bearings, stumps and decking on site and ready for the builder.

Installing the stumps - 10th October 2006
The first stage of construction on the prepared site was installation of the 80 stumps. These are between 0.5 and 3.0 m above ground and 1 to 1.5 m below ground. They are concreted in place.
Installation of the bearers - 14th October 2006
This photo, taken close to the front deck, shows installation of the bearers.

Installing the sub floor and decking - 28th October 2006
Taken just two weeks after the photo above, all the bearers are now installed, as are the joists and the sub floor and decking. The galvanised steel frame of the RAL garage can be seen in the background.

14th October 2006
Katie making friends with a Kookaburra.

Installing the prefabricted structure - 1st November 2006
The prefabricted structural panels were delivered and positioned around the floor and deck. This photo was taken after the first four way intersect structure had been built. The plastic shrouding is just to protect the structure from rain during construction.
1st November 2006
Another shot of the structure being built from prefabricated panels. The vertical and angled posts inside the structure are just to provide support during the building work.

Installing the prefabricted structure - 3rd November 2006
The first set of windows and first door have been installed.
7th November 2006
Colin and his apprentice starting work on the second three-way intercept.

9th November 2006
The basic structure approaching completion.

9th November 2006
Inside view after most of the structure had been built. This view isn't possible any more because internal partition walls have been built.

11th November 2006
The basic structure approaching completion. Note that the electrician had run wires at this stage before insulation or roof cladding were added.
23rd November 2006
It took the plumbers working with the builder only about four days to install the Colorbond roof cladding. Under the cladding there are layers of insulation: glass wool batts sitting inside the structure, an air gap and an aluminium blanket with glass wool backing immediately under the cladding.

23rd November 2006
The house with Colorbond cladding from another view point.
28th November 2006
This view of the kitchen shows cabling and piping being installed along with frames or internal walls. The internal wall frame in the centre of the picture was build with close spaced braces and noggins to act as a support for the overall structure.

29th November 2006
Another internal view. Note that the frames for some of the internal walls don't extent to the full height. This was done to allow natural light into the central study area.
21st December 2006
The guttering had been installed, internal wall frames completed and doors hung by this point.

21st December 2006
We bought and installed a flat pack kitchen that looks really good and has lasted well. The only problem - we picked it up, loaded it into a trailer and then had to unpack and carry it all into the kitchen on a day when the temperature was about 40oC. Not much fun.
23rd December 2006
We spent Christmas 2006 working on the house. Note in the background that the RAL garage now has cladding and end walls.

23rd December 2006
By this stage the internal walls had been fitted with plasterboard. The plasterers were fantastic and shaped the board to the house beautifully. This photo also shows the partially assembled kitchen and boxes of sundry supplies.
18th February 2007
Deck, stairs and balustrading are complete.

18th March 2007
Most of the changes in this photo are cosmetic; painting inside and out and even some planting near the deck.

18th April 2007
More painting has been completed, more gardening and tidying up.
18th April 2007
More progress inside - the kitchen was largely complete by this time and the internal painting done.

4th May 2007
4th May 2007
Showing progress painting outside.

4th May 2007 - Moving day
Although the painting wasn't finished it is obvious that prgoress has been made with the garden
7th July 2007
The hardwood flooring is an engineered floating floor made from plantation hardwood with a Merbau top layer. It was clip-together and relatively easy to install. It came pre-coated and can be recoated if it wears. After nearly eight years it is wearing well. There are cheap floating floor products on the market but we stayed away from them and the decision was worthwhile.